Steps by Step Process For Beginners to Successfully Grow a Plant

Alia Sharma

January 18, 2023


Growing plants and raising a child are different pursuits but both share some similarities. No matter, growing flowers is much easier than raising kids but both the processes needs patience and dedication. 

Parents are always protective of their children, wanting them to nurture in a good environment to develop strong roots and weed out unhealthy companionship. 

Such protection in the growing age makes a child stronger, independent and helps them to bloom with maturity. This analogy perfectly goes with a newly planted seed.

For aspiring enthusiastic gardeners or beginners who want to experience the pleasure of gardening, the following points listed below are some basic plant growth advice that will guide you to grow plants and create a healthy and scenic environment around your home or nursery. Let’s have a look:


Prepare a Suitable Environment Before New Plants arrive:

The most significant thing you can do for your new plants begins with good soil preparation. Loosen soil, organic matter such as manure and peat moss are the base ingredients for preparing the soil. All these ingredients need a good mix and raked to level. The process of soil preparation can be compared to the process of decorating a nursery before a baby arrives. If done with care, it can be a fun activity.


Don’t Repress New Plants With too Thick Soil Layer:

Flower seeds should not be smothered too much but must be barely covered. The soil layer must not be more than ¼ inch thick. Planting the flower seeds too deep is a very common mistake. This is a common phenomenon with new parents who try to cover their newborn baby with too many blankets. Before planting a seed, read the information provided on the packet or take an expert advice.


Use Water Soluble Fertilizers for Fast Growth:

For actively growing plants, water-soluble fertilizers are a very good option. You can add them to the water and spray them. Don’t use the fertilizers that are loaded with heavy chemicals. Go for ones that are organic and healthier compost. Serving manure trees is another healthier option.


Pull out Weeds at Regular Intervals:

You certainly don’t want your plants to grow in an unfavorable ambiance. Weeds are sometimes very destructive in killing neighboring plants. The weeds can leave your garden to look awful and sparse. Take out some quality time to pull out the weeds.


Be Very Conscious at the Plant’s Vulnerable Seeding Stage:

When seeds start to sprout, plants are in their stage where they need the utmost attention. Just as a baby needs utmost attention in its toddler stage, plants need it too. The soil should be kept moist and fertilizing should be avoided. This developmental stage is very important for the further growth of the young plant.


Remove the Faded Flowers’ Heads:

Once plants start to bloom, help them to maintain their vibrancy by removing the heads of the faded ones. Once the faded blooms are shredded off the real colors and petals come out. This is the right stage to fertilize.


Celebrate their Graduation:

Just when a child graduates, parents realize that they may move to other places for further excellence. Same is with the plants where growing too big may relocate them to other places. Don’t feel anxious, rather congratulate yourself for having done the right parenting. Divide the perennials by pulling the shoots in the side or from the baby plant from the mother and transfer them to a new place. A cloudy day is indeed the best time for this task.


It’s Time to Preserve Memories:

Your very own seed has matured into a beautiful, fresh and vibrant plant. It’s time to celebrate the success and hard work. Don’t forget to take a photograph of the beauty. Your plant parenting has successfully come to an end and you can call yourself a pro gardener by now.

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