Best outdoor plants to grow in Florida

For Plants

March 9, 2023


There’s no doubt about it: Florida is a beautiful state. And while our climate has some challenges, there are plenty of opportunities to grow beautiful plants outside. Here are our top 8 favorite outdoor plants that will thrive in Florida’s climate:



Agaves are a great option for Florida because they’re easy to care for and require very little water. They can survive in both dry and sandy soil, but they need full sun and protection from wind. Agaves grow best when planted in well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter mixed in, so it’s important that you add compost or potting mix before planting your agave.


Agaves come in all shapes, sizes and colors–and some are more suitable than others for growing outdoors in Florida’s hot climate. 

Agave americana (century plant): This evergreen perennial has glossy green leaves up to 3 feet long with sharp spines along the edges that help protect it from predators like deer or rabbits; white flowers bloom on tall stalks during summer months



Palms are a great choice for Florida gardens. They can grow in full sun or partial shade, and they’re drought tolerant once they become established.

The most popular palms you’ll find in Florida are:

  • Canary Island date palm (Phoenix canariensis)
  • Mexican fan palm (Chamaerops humilis)
  • Knight’s sword-grass or Japanese tree grass (Lygodium japonicum)



Monstera (Monstera deliciosa) is a type of philodendron that’s grown indoors as an exotic houseplant. It has large leaves, which can grow up to 3 feet long and 1 foot wide. The plant produces flowers that look like greenish-yellow bells, followed by fruit that resemble small green tomatoes.

Some people call Monstera “Swiss cheese plant,” but this isn’t its official name; it’s just what people call it because of the holes in its leaves–and if you’ve ever seen one up close, you’ll understand why!



If you’re looking for flowers, caladiums are not the plant for you. They’re grown primarily for their beautiful leaves, which come in all sorts of shapes and colors. Caladiums are easy to care for and can be grown indoors or out–they do well in containers as well as in Florida’s warm climate.

There are several types of caladiums available at garden centers, but one of the most popular varieties is called “Pink Sensation.” This plant has large green leaves that turn pink when exposed to sunlight; it usually blooms with small white flowers in summertime (though some varieties may bloom earlier).


Variegated Schefflera

Schefflera arboricola (variegated schefflera) is a tropical plant that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12, which means it will thrive in Florida’s climate. It can be grown indoors or outdoors, but it tends to do better when it gets plenty of sunlight.

This shrub has green leaves with splashes of yellow and red on them; these colors make them easy to identify as variegated scheffleras when they’re planted with other plants that have plain green leaves. Variegated scheffleras will grow up to 10 feet tall and wide if left unpruned, but they will usually stay smaller than this if kept trimmed regularly.


Ficus lyrata (weeping fig)

Ficus lyrata is a tree that can grow up to 40 feet tall, with a spreading canopy. It’s slow-growing and will take several years before it reaches its full potential, but the wait will be worth it. This plant is great for shade, privacy and accent plants in Florida gardens.

When choosing your weeping fig tree, consider where you want your new tree to grow and what purpose it will serve in your yard or garden design. If you live in Central America or southern Florida where there are no frost dates during winter months (which means that parts of these regions don’t get as much snowfall), then an outdoor weeping fig may be more suitable than one would normally think given their size; however if you live northward into Canada during winter months then perhaps another type of container plant like English ivy may work better instead since those can tolerate colder temperatures without dying off completely due to lack exposure from direct sunlight exposure outside during cold weather conditions which occur frequently here too!


Lantana camara (lantana)

Lantana camara (lantana) is a flowering shrub that grows to be up to 8 feet tall, but it can be kept shorter if you prefer. It’s native to South America, but can grow in Florida with minimal care. Lantana makes an excellent hedge or border plant because of its habit of growing in dense clusters and having bright flowers throughout the year. It also makes a good specimen plant when grown alone due to its colorful flowers and interesting texture patterns on its leaves


Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (hibiscus)

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (hibiscus) is a tropical plant that grows well outdoors in Florida. It can be grown indoors, but it does best with sun exposure. Hibiscus prefers full sun to partial shade and loves warm temperatures. If you’re looking for an easy-to-grow flower, this is your plant!

Hibiscus flowers from spring to fall and can tolerate drought conditions if there’s plenty of water available throughout the year. If you want to keep your hibiscus blooming all year round, prune off any unnecessary branches from time to time so they don’t grow too large or bushy on top of each other; this will also help prevent disease problems such as mildew on leaves or stems rotting away due to lack of oxygenation (air circulation).

Hibiscus also makes great houseplants because they require little maintenance once established indoors—just repotting every couple years should do it! You can grow them in hanging baskets or pots; just make sure whatever container has drainage holes at bottom because those tend not only help reduce root rot but also prevent algae growth which could negatively impact their appearance over time.


These plants are great for Florida.


There are many different types of plants that you can grow in your Florida garden. It is important to choose the right ones for your climate and soil type. If you live near water, make sure that any plants you choose won’t be harmed by flooding or salty soils.

And these plants are great for Florida because they are drought tolerant. They will grow in full sun or partial shade, and they’re easy to grow! You can make them look beautiful by adding some flowers and other decorations to your yard.

The best part of these plants is that they attract butterflies and hummingbirds! Butterflies love nectar-rich flowers like butterfly bush, which produces bright yellow blooms in springtime; while hummingbirds love the bright blue flowers on hymenocallis ‘Sunburst’. Both these plants will also attract birds such as doves, finches and cardinals who enjoy eating their seeds during the summer months when fruit ripens off branches.

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