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Henry A Castillo
Snake Plant Benefits in your Home

Snake Plant Benefits in your Home

Snake plants are some of the most popular houseplants around. They're known for their ability to clean the air, which makes them great additions to any home or office space. Here are a few reasons why you should add one to your collection today!   They are...

Common House Plants and their Benefits

Common House Plants and their Benefits

Are you thinking about adding some greenery to your home? Maybe you're looking for a way to help the environment and reduce your carbon footprint. Maybe you just want something that looks pretty on your desk. We've all been there! Luckily for you, there are so many...

How to Care for a Cilantro Plant

How to Care for a Cilantro Plant

Cilantro is a Mediterranean annual herb with bright green, serrated leaves that can grow to about 2 feet high. It's also known as coriander, Chinese parsley and Mexican parsley. Like many other herbs, cilantro can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Cilantro plants...

Ways Plants Benefit your Health

Ways Plants Benefit your Health

It's no secret that owning a plant is good for your health. Plants clean the air, they're a source of natural light, and they can even reduce stress. But did you know that plants are also great for mental wellness? We'll go over some key ways that plants benefit your...

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How to Get Your First Plant in 3 Easy Steps

How to Get Your First Plant in 3 Easy Steps

Caring for a new plant can seem like a lot of work, and many people never try it because of this thought process. Plants are actually very self reliant beings, able to survive and thrive with just a little love and care.  Let’s go over three simple steps that will...

How Often Should You Water Your Plants

How Often Should You Water Your Plants

I love plants! They make me feel calm, they're great for purifying the air in your house, and they can even help with allergies. But I've got to be honest: plants are sometimes a little finicky. My mom grew up with an indoor garden that could take care of itself by...

How Do Plants Calm & Relax You?

How Do Plants Calm & Relax You?

When you’re feeling stressed or anxious, it’s not uncommon to reach for a cup of coffee or a bottle of alcohol. But what if there was another way to fight back against your stress and anxiety? Plants! The world can seem very stressful at times, so any way to...

Why are Plants Green, Easily Explained

Why are Plants Green, Easily Explained

Green may be the color people associate with plants, but have you ever wondered why they are green? The color of a plant can mean a lot of things, how a plant is doing health wise, the type of plant and more.  The reason a plant is green has to do with the makeup of a...