How to Care for you Exotic Angel Plant, Care Tips

For Plants

January 8, 2023

Statue with angel plant

If you’ve just brought home an exotic angel plant, congratulations! You’re about to enter a whole new world of care and attention. But fear not! We’ve put together this guide to help you take care of your exotic angel plant for years to come. Follow these tips and you’ll be growing like a pro in no time at all!


The Basics

An Angel Plant is a hybrid of a Pothos and Epipremnum Aureum. It has the same characteristics as both of its parents in terms of care, but it can grow up to three times larger than either one. It also has more variegated leaves than most other varieties.

Angel Plants are tricky plants to keep alive for beginners because they need more sunlight than you might think at first glance—they should be kept outdoors in full sunlight when temperatures are above 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). They do well indoors too, but make sure they get lots of natural light during the day and that they’re not sitting in direct sun all day long or the leaves will burn!

In general, Angel Plants are healthy plants if you give them enough water, fertilizer and air circulation around their roots. If you notice your plant getting pale green leaves or yellowing on top while still being green underneath, this means that there isn’t enough light present; try moving it closer to a window if possible!



Watering is a critical part of caring for your plant. You should water your plant thoroughly, but not too often. The best way to determine whether it needs water is to check the soil with your finger and see if it feels dry down about 2 inches. Do this after three or four days during the growing season and once a week during cooler months. When watering, make sure you’re getting down into all parts of the soil—try using a trowel so you can get at hard-to-reach areas like between crevices in rocks or around roots that come out from underneath rocks (the roots will grow under rocks but still need watering regularly).

When you water, try to keep some moisture on top of the leaves—this will help prevent leaf disease caused by fungus spores blowing in from outside sources such as wind or spores from other plants nearby. If there’s too much condensation on top of leaves when they’re wet with dew every morning (especially when combined with cold weather), this usually means that too much moisture has collected inside pots; it’s important to let some air flow through pots by rotating them every few days so they don’t become overstuffed with excess water.



Your Exotic Angel Plant needs bright indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight and keep the plant away from any heating or cooling vents. This can be tricky if you live in a very sunny area, so if that’s the case, try moving your plant to a shadier spot.

If you have too much light, leaves will burn and curl up – this is called “sun scald”. To prevent this from happening, use a sheer curtain or shade cloth to reduce the amount of direct sunlight hitting your exotic angel plant. You can also place it further away from windows or move it out of direct sunlight altogether by placing it under houseplants where they will get some shade but still receive plenty of indirect light


You’ll want to fertilize your Angel Plant every two weeks. It’s important that you use a fertilizer specifically formulated for Angel Plants, as these can be very sensitive and respond better to fertilizers that are made just for them. When using fertilizer on your plant, make sure that you follow the directions on the label when it comes to application rate.

When deciding whether or not it is appropriate for you to fertilize your angel plant, keep in mind that when its leaves will be exposed to direct sunlight (while in bloom), then it needs more nutrients than usual and therefore should not be fed at all during this time period (which lasts about three months). Similarly, if there is a prolonged drought throughout its growing season, then it also does not need any additional nutrients until things start drying up again.


Potting soil

It’s important to use the right potting soil for your plant. Regular soil is not suitable because it retains water poorly and doesn’t have the nutrients that plants need to thrive. Potting soils are made specifically for plants, which means they are more compact and retain water better than regular soil. They also contain more nutrients than regular soil, or even composted manure if you want something natural. You can buy pre-mixed potting mixes at garden centers or make your own using peat moss, vermiculite (a lightweight material), perlite (a volcanic glass used as an additive in potting mixes to improve drainage) and composted bark or manure.



Pruning is one of the most important things you can do to keep your exotic angel plant healthy. This will keep its shape and improve the overall appearance of your plant.

When to Prune: You should prune your exotic angel plant any time it is damaged or starts to look unhealthy. So if you notice an insect infestation on the leaves, or if some leaves have fallen off, then it’s time for a pruning session!

How Much to Prune: You should cut off about 1/3 of each branch leaving about 2-4 inches above where it was attached on the trunk (or branch).


With these basic tips, you can be sure that your new plant is well taken care of so check out our full collection!

Take a look at our collection of exotic angel plants and see which one you want.

Once you have picked out your plant, check out our care tips for each plant. Be sure to follow these tips carefully in order to keep your new plant healthy and happy!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email or social media!


Remember, these tips are just the basics of what you need to know about taking care of your exotic Angel Plant. For more information on how to take care of it, check out our full collection or contact us at

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